Dating Misadventures: Talked to the Love of My Life (he didn't get the memo)

I have been crushing on a guy from the work gym for 2 years now. I see him almost every day because we always park next to each other. I have seen him on multiple dating apps but we have never matched (which should have been my first sign that he is not interested in me). A while back I wet on an intense deep-dive into his life. On this deep dive I accidentally uncovered his freshman year of college Prezi online. (oopies) 

Anyway, I think he is so cute and I like that we both have similar educational backgrounds, we both workout, and he is gainfully employed. I have been too nervous to talk to him for the last 2 years but an event occurred in the parking garage in February and I had my in. 

Setting the scene: It was an bright and early Tuesday morning. It may have been slushy outside but I don't remember. I pull into my usual spot in the parking garage (backed in by the pole). After backing up I look at my phone for a second and then I heard a sickening crunch. I look up quickly and met eyes with the cute gym guy in his car. I then saw that a lady was trying to back up a few stalls down. She was pulling back and forth and I am certain that the crunch was her backing into a pole. I got out of my car but I was running a bit behind for work so I hustled out of the garage. 

Later that afternoon I was in the gym and he took the treadmill next to me. I said, "Hey, did that lady hit the pole this morning??" He took out his Airpod and said, "What?" Then I repeated what I had said. He shook his head and said, "Man, I don't know but that was wild! She kept pulling in and out!" I agreed that it was wild and we both went back to running (him MUCH faster than me). 

I was proud of myself for talking to him but it was so anticlimactic. I built up the moment for years and the conversation was so...normal. 


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