Cam's computer genius + my idea = This amazing award!

Thank you Cam! I can't believe you did it so fast, and that you used your valuable computer time to make this award. I'm so *sniff* honored. I also appreciate you letting me borrow your copy of Pride and Prejudice. *I know that you miss kissing Collin Firths face* But I'm almost to the middle it, so it'll be back home soon. Rock on Mr. Darcy! I loveth thou. *sigh* I do truly. Anyway I would like to pass this award on to the following: Sister Face, Lauren, Mom, Monkey, Brynn, Whitney, and if I can I give this award back to Cam. *sob* I have the greatest friends!


  1. I think I just died with happiness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I know I did too! Luckily I had CPR Superman with me.

  3. Thank you!!!

    Now I have gotten Edward ♥ from you AND Future Crazy Cat Lady! My happiness is complete! :D

    I absolutely LOVE Pride and Prejudice with Colin Firth! :D

  4. I heart Pride and Prejudice :) I haven't seen the Colin Firth version, but I sure do own the Keira Knightly one! Mr. Darcy is awesome, I must say I love him too :)

  5. I haven't watched that one. I don't think I will either. I might be torn between "Collin Firth", and whoever plays Mr. Darcy in that version. And that just won't do!

  6. The dude in the Keira Knightly is HAWT! His name is Matthew Macfadyen! He is not as hot as Colin Firth though.

  7. Of course he isn't! How was the activity? Mona said it was really good.

  8. I need my Colin Firth to kiss! Today is Valentine's Day for crying out loud!

  9. I'm sorry but you'll have it soon! I finished the movie this afternoon. *sigh* I love you Mr. Darcy. You totally deserve Elizabeth


    I can't think of a better movie to watch than Mr. Darcy, I mean Pride and Prejudice, tee hee! ;)

  11. Yes! I know. I loved it. It was very exciting!

    He deserves Elizabeth better Cam! Muah ha ha ha to that!

  12. Jeez! Another award! You really are the best! I'd like to thank the society! Seriously Lauren!

  13. i love the image upon the award! awesum!


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