Movie review of the week!

Today I had the opportunity to see The Spiderwick Chronicles, and Jumper. Here are my reviews of both....

Spiderwick Chronicles

It may not have been exactly like the books but it was close enough. It made me cry, laugh, and sit on the edge of my seat in anticipation. I think that it was one of the greatest movies ever! The only thing I didn't like was that they made it a lot sweeter than the books. The books were pretty negative, and I liked it. I highly recommend this movie to all of you! *Sigh* I think that Freddie Highmore is adorable playing his own twin. I love the Spiderwick Chronicles!


This is one of the worst movies of all time. It moved slowly, it didn't explain anything, and it didn't make sense. The dude was full of himself, and put other people in danger because of his stupidity. The movie trailers made it look so good, but sadly it wasn't. The only part that was remotely good was the parts with Griffin in it. Griffin was the only sensible person throughout the whole movie! He is also a Jumper, he is very blunt, and funny! And the girl that David (The Jumper) loved was clueless and annoying. Hm..Well he was clueless too so I guess they were a perfect match. The only part I liked was the part where Griffin, and David fight over the bomb thingy. I would not recommend this movie to anyone. Well except for those of you who like boring, pointless movies. In that case I would.

I would like to thank my Mom, and Dad for taking us to see these movies! You're the best!


  1. Thanks for the excellent movie reviews! We were thinking of taking Zach (he's your same age!) to see Spiderwick Chronicles on President's Day, and your review made me decide to go for sure!

    On the other hand, your twin went on a date with the boyfriend tonight, and they were pretty sure they were going to see Jumper. I wish I'd read this in time to warn them, haha! It might be fun to hear what they have to say about it when they get back! ;)

  2. Yeah! I think that's a great idea.

  3. haha, I LOVE that you liked the negativity of the books! I cracked up...girl, you're awesome!

    Well, I went with Ted to see "Jumper" and I must admit, it was entertaining but definately not one of my favorites. I agree, Griffin was the best! I kinda wanted to kiss his face because he was hilarious!

  4. Thank you. You're pretty awesome too.

    I know! He was adorable. I loved his accent! *He was the best*

  5. That's too bad that Jumper was so horrible! Like you said, the trailers make it look really good!
    There are so many movies I want to see, but it's too expensive to see them all in the theaters! I'll have to see the Spiderwick movie though, I love movies that were books :)


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