Say hello to the President of my Sunday School class!

My new Sunday school class is huge! There's also a lot of noisy boys in the class, and I'm one of the few people that pays attention to the lessons. Yesterday they were louder than ever! So our teacher decided to have a President, and arranged seating. I was voted into the primaries against my will. I was up against Ms. Sades, and Stinky Steve. Stinky Steve had all the boys except for one vote for him, and Ms. Sades only had three votes including her own. I won by one vote! Stinky Steve could have won if he didn't tease Evil Bob so much. Yes! Evil Bob voted for me! I was very surprised! I didn't really want to be President, but I didn't want anyone else to be President. Needless to say I gladly accepted! Sadly after the vote our teacher also made us sit in arranged seating. I got the spot next to Wacky Zac, Stinky Steve, and Toothy. Argh! They're the loudest of all the boys! I'm a really big suck-up so I answer all the questions, but every time I answered the boys would criticize me! Don't get me wrong I don't have anything against boys! Just these boys!
*Evil Bob made up his own name. I don't have an obsession with evil. Ms. Sades is Ms. President from my last post. Just to clear things up a little....*

I have no idea how I'm going to make it through this year! Or any other year for that matter. I like classes with only girls. They're loud, but they're not that loud.


  1. Oh, I remember Sunday School. I think I was President once, too. Those boys sure make it hard to pay attention when they're punching each other and making their chairs lean against the wall. At least in YW's it's all girls in there!!! :)

  2. (By the way, I WAS FIRST! I'm never first! This is truly a wonderful day for me :D)

  3. The only problem with the girls is that they're really rude! But other then that they're better than the boys.

    Cam: You will? I'm so honored.

  4. Congrats, Miss President! YAY!

    My Sunday School class growing up was so bad that teachers would quit after just a few weeks with us. Some would yell at us, others would walk out during class, and one even cussed at us... and MEANT it! :0

    It was mostly the boys...they were loud and rude, and loved throwing spit balls in the girls' hair.

  5. You must have really strange people in your ward...they give their kids the weirdest names. ;)

  6. Dear Twin,

    The greatest Presidents of all time were the ones that didn't WANT to be President. You know what thise means? Shortly you will take over the world! Or...the Sundary School class that is. I say your first proposal is get rid of this seating chart!

  7. Cam: Against my will!

    Lauren: I can't! My teacher still has total domain over the class. For now...... >:)

    Nancy: I can't really relate to the spitball thing. Nobody would dare to even touch my hair. They better not or else! >:(

  8. I am so touchy about my hair. If anyone dared touch it I would whip open a can of whoop-bootay upon them!


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