Oh, hello there. What fruit are you?

Last week for my Young Women activity we learned how to cook. Apparently cooking macaroni from a box, and frozen tortellini doesn't count as actually cooking. I was sorely disappointed about that. We learned how to cook chicken noodle soup, biscuits, and chocolate-covered peanut butter balls. It wasn't the healthiest meal ever but it tasted good, and the girls didn't lick their fingers while cooking so that added another point to the quality of the food. While we were eating some of the girls were arguing about whether a tomato is a fruit or not. One girl stated in a pompous tone,"Well tomatoes have seeds so that means they're fruits. So I'm right." I turned averting my attention from eating for a second and said,"Hm. I'm the fruit of my mothers loins so that means I'm a fruit too! Wow! Isn't that amazing?" Most of the girls fell into fits of laughter, while Ms. Pompous rolled her eyes at me. It was totally awesome.


  1. hello wazz up u doin any thing tursday or friday???

  2. How could you have forgotten it already, it was only almost 3 months ago! :)

    Nadia: Not that I know of.

  3. That is SOOO awesome! :D

    Kris Face likes to call his kids the fruit of his loins. It really grosses out your twin Lauren, muahaha! >:)

  4. I think that's funny! My mom got disgusted when I told her this, it was truly awesome!

  5. great come back! I 'd probably say fruit of the womb though

  6. Ha ha ha ha!!! That's awesome. It's always fun to show up the snotty people :) Too bad it doesn't sound like she has as great of a sense of humor as you do :(


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