Introducing Pooperman GIRL!!

Yesterday my sister Mel was standing in front of the fan and saying,"Look at me I'm Superman!" When she said that my dad laughed and said,"You're a girl, I'd be worried if you were Superman." The moment Mel stopped singing and comprehended what he was saying she got very indignant and told him,"I not say Superman, I said Pooperman!" I was laughing so hard that I fell out of my chair, and then got the perpetual "evil" eye from my dad. *Sigh*

*Prepare yourselves for her "amazing" powers*


  1. It's okay! You gave me three times the comments. :) You should do it more often.

  2. Makes me wonder what kinds of super powers go with being Pooperman! :0

  3. Ohhh Nancy has a good, no, great point.
    I can't wait to see what superpowers she has.
    That is a funny story!

  4. You don't want to know. That little girl is really gross. *bleh* I'm shuddering at the thought of what she told me her powers are.


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