This an awesome movie with vampires, and other cool heroes!

What movie is my favorite movie at the moment? Read on and see........

....I have just finished watching League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. I loved this movie. I didn't think it was going to be as awesome as my dad said it would be, but I'm glad to say it was. This movie was a big nail bitter. Literally I hardly have any nails left! I now know that when you mix Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, a vampire, an immortal, an invisible man, an expert hunter, an awesome Martial arts swordsman Captain guy, and Tom Sawyer, you have a great movie! It had wonderful action scenes, and interesting characters. And surprising villains, and heroes as well. Actually it only had one surprising hero, most of the people were bad. Anyway I highly recommend this movie to all of you.


  1. Thanks for the review! I've never even heard of this movie before! :)

  2. Just so you know it's the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.

    I saw that movie. I have to be honest. It was crap.

  3. So sue me Cam. Anyway I liked it. This is proof that not everybody likes the same things.

    Sister Face: I hadn't either until my dad told me about it.

  4. I really like that movie too, my hubby especially. I think we've rented it 2 or 3 times since we've been married, (why we haven't just bought it, I don't know). It's really good in Blu-Ray, coz the actions scenes are all clear and everything!!! The first time I saw it, Mr. Hyde freaked me out!!!

  5. Oooo I want to see it! Isn't Shane West in it? I bet he is the vampire. I just bet he is.

  6. Sadly no. The vampire was a girl.

  7. You know what my favorite books are? the Uglies series by Scott Westerfeld. there are 4 books in all! i love these booka nd they are kinda like twilight... but without the vampires.. lol


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