Another crazy thing that came out of my crazy mouth!

Warning:This post contains an atrocious name, and mention of Hepatitis numerous times.

A couple years ago our home school choir did a "Patriotic themed presentation". Everybody dressed accordingly, I wore my special patriotic visor that says "Princess Sunbum!" All the families were required to bring cookies. Needless to say there was a butt load of them. After the show was finished I went to go and snack with my friend Hannah Banana, and her friend Francisca. Alright, I don't remember the girls name. I guess I could have given her a better name but I'd rather not. As we were eating Francisca's brother ran up to us and told her,"This cookie is gross. I don't want it. Do you?" She took it, she took one bite, and made a nasty face. Then she turned to Hannah Banana and handing her the cookie. Hannah surprised me by taking a bite too! I couldn't contain my disgust and I said,"Hannah! By sharing food that other people have already bitten you're going to get Hepatitis B! Do you want to get Hepatitis?" They both looked at me like I was crazy, and asked me what Hepatitis was. I happily explained it, just to get appalled gasps from both of them. I can't believe I said that to them. I don't think I had any tact back then.


  1. F to the I to the R to the S to the T. That's right I'm first! Muah ha ha ha!

  2. Now that I've actually read your post I can say:

    That's what I would've done. I have a friend at school that I frequently "explain" things to(because she is so naive).

    P.S.: I'm second

  3. And THIRD. In yo' face. In yo' mama's face.

  4. Well, you could have yelled something like "EWWW! Poison dog lips!" like Lucy does with Snoopy.

    THAT would be tactless, haha! ;)

    Francisca is my mother's name. (Not really!)

  5. Ha ha. I read Francisca and thought of Fresca and now I'm really craving some... :)

  6. Geez "Sunbum" Butt, cookies, gasp, and hepatitis all in the same paragraph! I think I am going to go throw up now.... ;)

  7. hahahah! You are awesome! That's something I would do...and I am 20! I always say foolish things. It is fun to get a rise out of people. Keep saying crazy stuff!

  8. Lauren: That makes me feel better!

    Brynn: I know. Isn't it awesome? I'll go get the trash can for you!

    Cam: My mama doesn't care. So in yo' face.

    Sister Face: I don't like Lucy. And I was a little worried when I saw what you wrote at first. Thank goodness your mothers name isn't Francisca!

    Whitney: Hm...I didn't even think about that. Now I'm craving. Thanks!

  9. I kinda like the name Francisca, and I love Fresca!

  10. Fresca is good, but I don't enjoy triscits


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